Digital & Analog Numeral Symbols

Permanent Magnet Square 

Cube Numeral Symbols

Ancient Physics :-

800 B. C.

The Knowledge of 

Ancient Scientist


Chinese  Numerical

Science: 1  To  10

Numeral System Writing

Right to Left


Number System Writing

Left to Right

 Chinese Scientific numeral symbols and mathematics

Parts of Magnet cube 1/2- region & numeration

Permanent magnet square cube 1/2

Chinese numeral symbols coding system and mathematics




 Chinese System

Work System

Chinese Numeral Five 

Energy System

0 + 1 = 1

1 + 1 = 2

2 + 1 = 3-----


8 + 1 = 9

9 + 1 = 10

Fig: Half region of permanent  magnet cube1/2 or 0.5 parts: four 90o lines of force & one pole or spectrum force of Magnet  Kinetic energy Lines forces: (4) 

Spectrum: (1) 1 + 4 = 5 

Negative & positive: 

0.5- + 0.5+ = 1 non polar

10 - 1 = 9

9 - 1 = 8

8 - 1 = 7-------


2 - 1 = 1

1 - 1 = 0

                                                                 Permanent Magnet Square Cube                                   Physics

Classification; Division in parts, degrees. polarity, Quantity & Numeral Symbols

Fundamental theory of Modern Mathematics 

and division of permanent magnet cube

In numerical science

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Simple Chinese &

Hua ma Numeral symbols

Number & Numerals: The science of Number & numeral symbols is subject of physics, Mathematics is a small root of physics & these symbols are not necessary to used for mathematics. Develop any ten ordinary codes like dots, lines, colors or figures and use them in mathematics. Many mathematicians developed the ten symbols and used in his mathematics. But that symbol coding don't have meaning in subject of physics, only used the purposed for math. Numeral mean the knowledge of physics. Number system (Alphabets) is also subject of physics & technology.

Linear Line Molecules Orbital 

 + - Number System Explanation

Sheep Counting  

-    -   - 
Atomic Counting

                                                       Chinese Magnetic atomic orbital Map                              Chinese ancient physic

Base of Modern Mathematics

Ten parts of  a Magnet cube

Ten Shapes of matter 

Ten Angles

Ten Orbital

Ten Numeral Symbols

Egyptian: Old Arabic

Like as Old Arabic Number System

Sheep, Bananas or Apples Counting System (Hash mark system).

A Digit is equal Number One

in math language

digit one (1) = 1 number




The Science of Chinese Numeral Symbols

Like as old Arabic Number system (Egyptian).

O = I: Complete System





1: Discovery of Atom or "zero".

Structure: spherical surface, one atom, one angle, no orbital.  An atom equal number one 

( I ) Numeral symbol structure a horizontal line represent an atom as old hash mark system. Old time ( I ) stroke represent a sheep. But in modern science it's mean a Gravity line force orbital or line of permanent magnet cube. Division in degrees 45o or 90o. Polarity: negative numeral, "Value:  one atom". Symbol Structure horizontal line (----). 

Who discover the Atom? This question is don't have importance. But how discover the Atom? is most important in the World history.

First subject of numerical science is depend on the attraction force of a permanent magnet cube. Why this matter attract the other magnetic materials. Magnetic attraction forces make a field around the magnet cube. That field has spherical attraction invisible body. Attraction spherical field been grouped into 1440o degrees. In numerical science this division is very important. If you don't know how classifieds and grouped of matters, how can you understand the numerology? 2 - 1 = 1 how in ancient time the scientist discover the Atom!? " When he brooked the one atom in the last linear molecule "Numeral Two", he found an Atom. In math,  2 - 1 = 1 this one mean an Atom. This is the discovery of Atom. See explanation in other my sites. 1 - 1 = 0 this zero not a number, numeral or digit. We do not discover it. Because it has no physical body. Sign of nothing for help of numeral and number explanation, A tool of mathematics like +, -, x, / signs etc.



line force


Magnetic Atom map

A surface

division in degrees 

Atom has 6 surface and ten energy levels


2: Magnet and Linear Molecule orbital Numeral Two                      

Magnet: Above and below lines are shown minimum and maximum energy force in a negative region in the permanent magnet square cube. This is magnetic numeral symbol two. In numerical science, the different operation has different degree values.

If numerologist show a line as a part of magnet, then its division in degrees are 90o-. Two lines equal 90o + 90o = 180o. These two lines represent two linear lines of a permanent magnet square cube in negative region.

Molecule: structure linear line molecule, two atoms, two angles, one orbital and one right angle force. Division in degrees 90o. Polar value is negative. Value: two atoms, digital and analog symbols structure. Two atoms make a orbital. Classification of a atom attraction force in 45o. Two atom attraction force 45o + 45o = 90o. The central bracket  " ( " like that is shown orbital, above and below geometrical lines, preparing the symbol and shown the two angles. A line represent an atom, in molecule orbital numeral symbols. 


The central dot (point) will be shown on central position of identical parts of straight line or arc, which is the system of primary Kinetic energy. The central position will be represented by 45o linear line or 90o arc will be called 90o kinetic energy. This has no ability to change its direction.



one pole


3: Magnet and Linear Molecule orbital Numeral Three


Magnet: Chinese numeral three has there horizontal lines. In permanent magnet, if first above line is zero simple geometrical line, then second center line is 90o force of energy and first zero line to last below line three is180o maximum force of a magnet energy. These three lines has different explanation in different operations. It's depend on numerologist how can he explain the lines. See the figures of numeral three, you understand it very easily in magnet square map.

If these tree lines parts of magnet cube, then the degrees value of numeral three is 270o. Because a line represent triangle force of a magnet cube in negative region.

Molecule: structure, linear molecule, three atoms, three angles, two orbital and two right angles force. Classification 180o. Polarity: negative numeral, "Value: three atoms". In molecule orbital system, on the heads up, down and bottom of the lines, three atoms makes two orbital. Division by degree wise one orbital 90o, two orbital equal 180o. These geometrical lines, shown the numeral three bundling system.


The polar lines will always lie horizontally upon each other due to Magnetic Nature and cannot be separated. Both lines will show ‘Zero’ power or interval on central position.



two poles


4:Magnet and Linear Molecule orbital Numeral Four                                 

Four right angles of a magnet linear line forces of negative region or linear spectrum force of a magnet square cube. Division in degrees 360o degrees. But when numerologist developed the numeral symbol four, he showed a part in separate position. its mean 3 + 1. Its magnitude value is four but degree value is 360o or 270o degrees  in different operations.

Numeral 4 a very important motion of permanent magnet is signified. This is the linear motion of magnet, which is produced by drifting. The polar lines of Magnet can give Maximum 1800 rotational motion, while 3 angles or forces are joined in Numeral 4.

It is proved by experimentation that two forces or arm of forces cannot move three arcs, which means that a special motion is discussed in Numeral 4. Because the magnet also doesn’t posses 3 powers and 3 forces or arm of forces cannot be obtained at a time, so Numerologists by taking full advantage of their experimentation created Numeral 4. They added the forces of Numeral 2 and 3 and explained the resulting motion in their Numeral 4 and represented it by Kinetic Energy of 2700, which was obtained by the bodies of 2 magnets. which will be called the force of drifting. 

Crystal of  matter, four atoms, four angles and three orbital, Classification or grouping 270o. Polarity  negative numeral "Value: four atoms,  three dimensional triangle surfaces. Power of Drifting motion between two Spheres. While all the numerals in numerology are equal importance, the numeral four is a very special and important numeral been grouped into 270o


Value: 3 + 1

360o or 270o


Value: 4 atom

3: orbital






5: Magnet and Molecular Orbital :"5, Five"  

Magnet: The degree value of  Numeral 5 is 360o or 720o , polarity is negative.

Spectrum: in right hand square magnet map, the numerologist is shown two spectrum forces in map. Numeral symbol five is analog type and its mean that the degree value of numeral five is 720o-. This is the negative half part of a permanent magnet cube. It constant of four linear line forces and one negative pole spectrum force.2 spectrum = 720o- . 

Angles: the square region of magnet cube, numeral five has five angles. Value in angles 5.

Atom: five atom made the binding system of a spectrum force.


In left hand digital square map of  magnet, the division in degrees is 360 degrees. This is linear line spectrum force of a magnet or molecule orbital system.


Crystal of  matter, Five atoms, Five angles. Four orbital and Four right angles, Power Classification:  ("360o-"): Polarity negative numeral  "Value: five atoms" Four crystal surfaces (Pyramid)   "Numeral structure" digital.   Symbol of "5" negative. Crystal structure pyramid shape. Molecule binding between five atom, Symbol numeral five represents Spectrum force of  molecule orbital. 


360o or 720o

four right angles force


Value: 5 atom

4: orbital






6: Explanation of Numeral Symbol Six

"Numeral structure" analog and digital. Power Classification:  ("540o"): Polarity of numeral symbol is positive. Atomic binding structure. Six molecule orbital. This is pointing finger symbol and all numerologist changed the system and polarity from here in his numeral systems.

Sanskrit Numerologist converted the numeral three in his numeral six ----->     -  to  +

Western numeral system.1+ + 0= 6............................................... 9-----> 6     -  to  +  

Arabic Numerologist converted the numeral three in his numeral six  -----> .   -  to  +

V + I = VI (V-360o and I+180o)Roman Numerologist converted 

the Numeral Symbol Four in his Numerals Six,  Like That ...........IV-------> VI+    -  to  +

Persian Numerologist converted the numeral two in his numeral six   ----->     -  to  + 

See pointing finger in old Arabic number system. "Decimal" ............  . .    +    

Chinese symbol six, Chinese numerologist took the negative half region of magnet square cube. The front shape of half square is rectangle shape, and he added the positive one vertically. and he changed the negative numeral one( ---) in to positive numeral one ( I ).

Five negative parts or atoms in numeral five, he add the one positive part of magnet or positive atom in numeral six. Numeral one(1) is horizontal position. Rectangle region below it's. See symbol six : positive one ( I+).   He changed  the polarity of numeral -  to  +

See Chinese hua ma number system negative one is horizontal ( ---) and positive is vertical line like that: ( I ). It's mean one right angle positive force.

Value: six parts of magnet or binding of six atom.

Polarity: positive

Division in degrees: in magnet 720o + 90o or in molecule orbital 360o + 180o "(5- + 1+)".

Not possible I tell all details in this small web site.


720o- + 90o+

or 360o- + 180o+


6: angles

6: orbital

360o- + 180o+


7: Magnet and Linear Molecule orbital Numeral Seven

Magnet: Numeral Structure analog and digital.

right hand square magnet map is shown two angles. these two angles are linear line forces of positive region of magnet cube. division in degrees180o+

if numerologist was wanted to showed the poles or spectrum forces, then the value of symbol numeral seven is 720o -/+


Explanation of numeral symbol seven in parts and in degrees.

in the center fig, 

four negative lines forces: 360o-

two positive lines forces: 180o+

one negative pole or spectrum force: 360o-

numeral seven: degrees in value 360o- + 180o+ + 360o =  900o


Crystal of  matter: Seven atoms, Seven angles. Eight orbital and Eight right angles, Power Classification:  ("720o"): Polarity of numeral symbol is positive. Crystal polarity negative / positive. "Value: seven atoms" Eight  surfaces  "Numeral structure" digital and analog. Atomic binding structure monoclinic. This symbol are related with discovery of poles and division of sphere surface and classification of conjugated circles negative and positive. It is most important to preparing the Atom structure and for discovery of electron.   X Y Z orbital. 


two right angles or

2 spectrum

180o+ or 720o



7: angles

8: orbital



8: Magnet and Molecular Orbital  symbol Eight:   

Value: eight Atom

Analog and digital symbols.

different type of numerals coding maps in Chinese numerology. Left hand, spherical shape of numeral nine and right hand digital shape of numeral nine in magnet square cube maps. value are equal but shapes are different to casting the numeral symbols.

Division in degrees: 4lines 360o- + 1, negative spectrum 360o- + 3postive lines forces 270o+ are equal 990o.

All numerologist castled the numeral symbol from primary system of ten. Starting to casting the numeral symbols from zero nothing to system zero ten is wrong theory. If you have zero nothing, how you develop the numeral symbols!

So developing the numeral symbol from zero ten. Zero ten is a complete system. Broke this system and made the numeral symbols or start to developing the series of number system.


Crystal of  matter, Eight atoms, Eight angles. Twelve orbital and Twelve right angles, Power Classification:  ("1080o"): Polarity of numeral symbol is positive. Crystal polarity negative / positive. "Value: eight atoms" Crystal six plane surfaces.  "Numeral structure" digital. Molecule binding structure cubic. 


three arcs or

three right angles+

or three spectrum

270o+ or 1080o



8: angles

12: orbital



9: Magnet and Molecular Orbital Nine:               Explanation

Crystal of  matter, nine atoms, nine orbital and nine angles, Power Classification 1260o. Numeral polarity positive "Value: in atoms, orbital or angles nine". Nine Crystal surfaces. The symbol of Nine is very meaningful and tell the scientific theory of numeration. Why scientist start the numeration from zero ten and developed the symbol nine. He told the law of  Power, Energy and Work. If you have power source (digit creator)  expend a digit (energy) and done a work and convert the "zero nothing" in to number one (1).Its Symbol value is  ten and above side is one square. It mean positive spectrum is less in primary symbol.

Magnetic parts division in degrees. see the center square map of magnet.

4 Lines forces = 360o-

1 Spectrum force = 360o-

4 Lines forces = 360o+


Division in degrees = 1080o

Molecule Orbital nine:

He moved the atom numeral ten" in crystal zero ten and developed the structure of numeral nine. See difference between primary crystal and in crystal nine.

Division: fourteen orbital. value of one orbital is 90o. So 14 x 90 = 1260o


10 represent molecule System ten.


10 - 1

1260o or 1080o



10 - 1

9: angles

14: orbital



10: Molecular Orbital,                  System  Ten:             Primary Number; 1

Magnet: digital and analog code of numeral symbol ten.  

Explanation of magnetic parts of a magnet cube.

1: four negative linear line forces:            4

2: one negative pole spectrum force        1

3: four positive linear line forces:             4

4: one positive pole spectrum force         1

two poles spectrum forces 720o

two linear line spectrum forces 720o

division a permanent magnet square cube in degrees wise in 1440o.

This is the primary number one. All numeral symbols related with number ten. Number ten is a power and ten symbols are forces. 

If you don't have a system then how can you develop the number system!?

So first take a system and made number series.


Crystal of  matter:

Value: ten atoms, ten orbital and ten angles, shape of matter 10 and in magnetic ten parts. 

Degrees: division in degrees 1440o.

Polarity: half negative, half positive or equal -/+. 

Orbital: Twelve Crystal surfaces. sixteen orbital, Symbol structure digital and analog.

Base of science:  Magnetic cube, Molecule orbital,  Magnetic Atom and Wheel. base of modern Science and technology. Molecule orbital and angles are ten, for that "Physicist" originated the ten "Numeral Symbols". All the numeral symbols related with "system ten".  System ten is the base of numeral system. A numeral is a part of System ten, So ten atom made a binding on the central atom. The name of central atom is "zero level". See The Science & Technology of Zeros at geocities/numerals1234.


System ten

4 spectrum forces 1440o



10: angles

16: orbital
