Rediscovery of  Zero or Atom  


2 - 1 = 1 one represent an Atom

010  parts = 1 System (Number).

1 - 1 = 0 Nothing (No physical body).

How discover it? Math tool, + - x 0 / etc


Arabic Atomic Model

Division in degrees; 1440o

Division in parts; Ten parts

Orbital; Maximum ten orbital

Surfaces; XYZ Six surfaces

Energy; Kinetic energy 45o-

Dedicated to the anonymous humanity lover, Who introduced Science of God to the World

 Magnetic Atom and Arabic Geometrical Numeral Symbols


 .                        1        2       3        4        5         6       7        8         9 +1 = 0   &  0 - 1 = 9

                                         45o 90o 180o 270o 360o 540o 720o 1080o 1260o 1440o

                                Arabic Simple Geometrical Wheel & Atomic Numeral Symbols            System I1  O5  .


Atom & Wheel: "division in parts and degrees"




  Brief History and Theory of a Wheel.

Old Arabic Number Ten  10 Symbol of Rope on the  Wheel. ( Egyptian Number )

Ten ones and two Zeros, initial & terminal.

Heu-god: the inventor of number system, 

first in the world. 2,000 or 3,000 B. C.

He converted the Lever period into Wheel period. In Lever period, people were used Hash Mark System like that " IIIIIIIIIIIIII ".

He was second man, who converted the "Hash Mark" numeration system in Big Wheel bundling system that was Wheel period and he also developed the theory of  two line levels. See in ancient History of Number Science and Technology, at: .

Inventor of Atom or Zero: There'd man who discover the atom, he changed the old Wheel  number system into atomic numeral system, which we used today. This system is called "atomic numeration". When we used "Zero System" (0)", we count "Atoms", not sheep, Apples, Bananas or Human fingers. The symbol of zero is a code of atom or sphere and Wheel. In atomic numeration, it represent an atom. Division of an atom in ten particles. These ten particles are "Digits". In modern mathematics it's mean 1/10 or tens in one (100 = 1). An atom is a complete system, but it has ten particles. The Physicist, tolled the theory of these particles, that these particles are "parts of a system", so these are "Numerals" not A number. An atom is a "Number" and it's particles are "Numerals". This is the theory of Number and Numeral system. Note: A complete system is a number, how many parts are used in a number, its called numerals. In modern language spare parts.

Example: 500 parts are used in a car. 500 are numerals and a car is a number (1). In modern math technology 0.500 = 1. But modern mathematics base is ten. So we used the system of  ten.

0.10 = 1 number. or ten parts (numerals) = number one(1). This is the difference between number and numeral system. In numerical science 0 = 1.which zero is equal to one, because four zeros in numerology and symbol is one. See the page of numerical science and technology in that site  " Zero is an actor, it has four acts in Numerology".





Part of atom: 1




magnetic atom

Atom: 1

Gravity lines of force


Power: 720o-



Explanation of Numeral Symbol Two 


Wheel: Two ones( II ) makes A 90o arcs or angle like that  \. See in wheel map.

Value in two lines and division in degrees 90o-. Direction of movement is negative as clock wise. Kinetic energy force left side of the wheel. It is sign that movement of wheel is negative rotation,

below of the arc is geometrical straight line to originated the symbol, don't have value.


Magnetic Atom: arc of numeral two has two particle of a atom. Numerologist added the two ones II in the symbol of two and made the symbol numeral two. Division of numeral two is 90o. Polar value is negative, because these particles of negative region of magnetic atom. 

Value in two ones II, value of arc in degrees 90o arc, polarity negative.

The symbol of numeral two ( 2 ) depended on  two portion.. One arc and second is a line. Division of arc in 90o  and line do not have degree value because it is a geometrical straight line. That straight line only used to prepared the shape of numeral symbol. Arc of numeral two is shown the division of a wheel arc, circle or orbit arc, particles of atom or sphere surface etc. 

Molecule orbital:

In molecule orbital numeral system numeral two is shown the two atomic binding system, and arc of numeral two is the shape of a orbital. 

Value: two2. Division in degrees90o-.

See more explanation in Roman and Chinese Numerals and other sites URL at the end of page.



Value: 2





value: 2




Linear Molecule

Atom: 2



Explanation of Numeral Symbol Three 


Wheel: Three ones makes two 90o angles or arcs like that  _I_  in wheel system. Two angles.

Value in three lines and division in degrees 90o + 90 = 180o-. Direction of movement is negative as clock wise. Kinetic energy force left side of the wheel. 


Magnetic Atom: 

Structure of numeral three is very interested and meaning full. the shape of numeral three are shown many  type of division in magnetic atom map. 

1: Straight geometrical line is shown 1/4 surface of nonmagnetic atom are sphere180o. 

2: if it is a circle then that line is shown the division of half circle 180o.

3: arc of numeral three is shown the half spectrum force of magnetic atom 180o-.

4:if the arc of numeral three is a spectrum force then it's division in degrees 360o-.

5: if straight line is shown nonmagnetic atom 1/2 surface then it's division in 360o.

The numerologist take advantage and he moved  the numeral three 180o right to left direction and used it in numeral six. like that numeral three: ---> numeral six but 180o different position.

Now the division of symbol six is 360o- +180o+  = 540o

He have one more advantage to converting the polarity negative into positive numerals. See the numeral symbol six in wheel system. he moved the energy force left to right of the wheel and show the rotation of wheel in positive direction. So for that, polar value of numeral six is positive.


Molecule orbital: structure: linear molecule, three atoms, three angles, two orbital and two right angles force. Division 180o. Polarity: negative numeral, "Value: three atoms". The symbol of numeral three ( 3 )has two arc and no simple geometrical lines. Division of two arcs or orbital, in 180o. Classification In molecule orbital numeral system; numeral three is shown the three Atoms in linear line binding system. Arc of numeral three is the shape of two orbital. See the symbol of numeral three, the analog symbol like that ( 3 ). in Western  Arabic system. 



value: 3






Value: 3




Linear Molecule

Atom: 3



Explanation of Numeral Symbol Four  


Wheel: for lines ( I I I I )  make three 90 angles. Value of numeral four is four ones and division in degrees wise is 270o-negative. Symbol four has two arcs. the numerologist do not used the straight geometrical line in this symbol four. Above small arc is shown 90o arc and below arc is big then above arc. It's mean that arc is constant of two arcs 90o + 90o.= 180o. Division of numeral four is 90o + 180o = 270o degrees.


Magnetic Atom: symbol of four in magnetic atom map same like as wheel symbol.Non magnetic atom or spectrum force of a magnetic atom is shown in numeral four. Numerologist show a symbol in different operations in different degrees.


Molecule orbital: crystal of  matter, four atoms, four angles and three orbital, Classification 270o. Polarity  negative numeral "Value: four atoms,  three dimensional triangle surfaces. Power of drifting motion between two spheres. Attraction and repulsion forces are work in straight motion force between two permanent magnetic bodies, with three poles. Symbol four has three lines. These three lines is shown three orbital between four atoms. While all the numerals in numerology are equal importance, the numeral four is a very special and important numeral been grouped into 270o. It defines the wisdom of Allah Al-Mighty in the law of motion. This numeral needs very consideration. The humanity lover, who discover atom has proposed this numeral 4 as the first Alphabet of his Alphabets.


Value: 4





Value: 4





Atom: 4


5 Explanation of Numeral Symbol Five              "Numeral structure"  analog and digital


Wheel: symbol five is constant of four ones ( I I I I ) and one symbol of zero negative ( O ) . 

The shape of Arabic numeral five is a circle. Its name is white zero or negative zero five. Arabic numeral zero five, shape like as western zero. It's polar value is negative in Arabic numerology. In degree wise, it is 360o-. That symbol five represent a wheel, surface of nonmagnetic sphere. orbit, Spectrum force of a magnet, geometrical circle, magnetic atom etc.

Negative rotation of a wheel is completed in numeral five. After that, the numerologist changed the force of energy in numeral six.

Half surface of nonmagnetic Atom, Molecules orbital numeral five, Spectrum force of magnetic Atom: All division in degrees: 360o- "Atomic Spectrum force of a magnetic atom".

Numeral Five: the Arabic numeral symbol five is shape of a circle. It represent wheel, atom,  

spectrum of an atom, spherical surface attraction force of a magnet spectrum cube. etc

Permanent magnet; five parts of permanent Magnet: 720o- in numeral five.

Numerologist completed the division in degrees of  half negative region of a magnet cube in 720o- or 1/2 negative region of magnet cub division in degrees 720o-.

Molecule orbital: The front shape of molecule numeral five is circular type. five atom made a binding like pyramid shape. The front surface of four atom  is spherical. Five atom makes four orbital. division of a orbital in 90o. Four orbital equal 360o. 

Polarity: Symbol polarity is negative. 

Motion: motion of wheel negative as clock wise and division in degrees 360o-. Four right angles or 90o continuously Kinetic energy force are required to drive the wheel.









Value: 5


5 particles






Atom: 5




 Explanation of Numeral Symbol Six              


All numerologist changed the system and polarity from here in his numeral systems.

"Numeral structure"  analog and digital


Classification & division in degrees                                               

Wheel and nonmagnetic Atom: 360o- + 0 or 45o+

Molecules orbital and magnetic Atom; 360o- + 180o+             

Permanent magnet; 720o- + 90o+

Converting the polarity negative to positive in numerical science.

Sanskrit Numerologist converted the numeral three in his numeral six 3----->

Western numeral system.1+ + 0= 6...............................................     9------> 6

See Arabic alphabet "Wao " Value of Wao in Arabic number system is Six : O-  I+ =

See the direction of zero in western numeral nine it's mean  O - I = 9

Arabic Numerologist converted the numeral three in his numeral six   3-----> 6

V + I = VI (V-360o and I+180o)Roman Numerologist converted 

the Numeral Symbol Four in his Numerals Six,  Like That ..........   IV- 4----> VI+ 6

Persian Numerologist converted the numeral two in his numeral six     2 -----> 6     

Chinese symbol six : positive one ( I+).   He changed  the polarity of numeral  -  to  +

See Chinese hua ma number system negative one is horizontal ( ---) and positive one is vertical line like that: ( I ). It's mean one right angle positive force.             

Old Arabic  Converter negative to positive:  Finger point                     -          +    



360o- + 0 or 45o+



360o- + 180o+ 



6: atom

6 0rbital



 Explanation of Numeral Symbol Seven


Wheel: division in degrees and symbol value like as negative numeral symbol two, difference in polar value. Symbol numeral two is negative polarity, but symbol numeral seven is positive polarity. numeral seven is positive symbol two2 in numerical science. In subject of pair production, numeral two and numeral seven are a pair. Numeral two is negative and numeral seven is positive, a pair or couple. Degrees wise numeral two2 is 90o- negative and numeral seven is 90o+ positive polarity. Value in numerical science, digit value is one and place values two2 and seven7.


magnetic Atom:

Spectrum force: 360o- negative and  two angles 180o- ore lines forces in negative region

                           Two angles or two line forces in the positive region 180o+.

                           Numeral 2 and numeral 7 is a pair or couple.


Molecule orbital: 

Crystal of  matter, Seven atoms, Seven angles. Eight orbital and Eight right angles, Power Classification:  ("720o"): Polarity of numeral symbol is posit-

ive. Crystal polarity negative / positive. "Value: seven atoms" Eight  surfaces  Numeral structure digital. Atomic binding structure monoclinic. This symbol are related with discovery of poles and division of sphere surface and Classification of conjugated circles negative and positive. It is most important to preparing the Atom structure and for discovery of electron.   



1: XYZ orbital


2:Molecule orbital


 3: magnetic atom




















 Explanation of Numeral Symbol Eight


division in degrees and symbol value like as negative numeral symbol three, difference in polar value. Symbol numeral three is negative polarity, but symbol numeral eight is positive polarity. Numeral eight is positive symbol three 3 in numerical science. In subject of pair production, numeral three and numeral eight are a pair. Numeral three is negative and numeral eight is positive, a pair or couple. Degrees wise numeral three is 180o- negative and numeral eight is 180o+ positive polarity. Value in numerical science, digit value is one and place values three 3 and eight 8.

.Magnetic Atom:

Spectrum force: 360o- negative and  four angles 360o- ore four line forces in negative region

                           Four angles or four line forces in the positive region 360o+.

                           Numeral 3 and numeral 8 is a pair or couple.









 Mathematics and explanation of symbol Nine 


Wheel:  O zero is a wheel and ( I ) symbol of represent rope or force of arm in numeral symbol nine.

The symbol nine is shape of a machine. Ancient scientist told the laws of Power, Energy and Work at it's and they developed the number system on it. Very useful machine to tilling the laws of physics.

In my sites I told the name of it's spinning wheel in Urdu "Charkah". This machine is very useful to understanding the acts of zero in Arabic numerology. Read charkah theory in this site. URL end of the page: geocities/numerals1234/ page of science and technology.

Magnetic Atom:

Symbol of nine is very simple symbol. the circle of numeral symbol nine is code of atom. Its value is ten particles. Technologist moved a part in the atom and made the mathematics, Zero ten mines one equal nine ( 100 - 1 = 9 ). The circle head of numeral nine is represent an atom. Right hand is symbol of one. So he draw the symbol nine to joint the zero ( O ) and one ( I ). Numeral nine is the map of machine. In magnetic atom map, It's mean that less one particle of atom in the atom. In math 10 - 1. This is "Energy" counting system, when collect the particles, then it's mean add one in nine and complete the system zero ten. In scientific numeration system, these are two kind of numeration systems. The physicist tolled the laws of Power, Energy and Work, in these numeration system.  In energy counting system, symbol nine mean 10 - 1 and 9 + 1 is work numeration system .


Division in degrees:   


magnetic Atom, Molecule orbital; 1260o                  Permanent magnet;1080o

Wheel: 360o- and 270o+ positive                              Nonmagnetic atom 630o-


Difference between writing: 

( 9 magnetic atom numeral symbol ) nonmagnetic atom numeral symbol ( wheel symbol).

not possible I tell all detail in this small site

See more details in other sites, Click on blue Hyperlinks below, end of the page.

















0 - 1 = 9




9 + 1 = 0


Nine particle


Explanation of Symbol Zero Ten.       


System Zero Ten:                                                                     Primary Number; 1 

System one, particles ten. Ten orbital and ten angles, Power Classification 1440o. Polarity: half negative, half positive or equal -/+. "Value: ten particles, ten orbital or ten angles". Symbol structure digital( ) and analog( 0).

Magnetic cube, Molecule orbital,  Magnetic Atom or Wheel, base of modern Science and technology. Molecule orbital and angles are ten, for that "Physicist" originated the ten "Numeral Symbols". All the numeral symbols related with "Zero ten". Zero ten is the base of numeral system. 

A numeral is a particle of Zero ten. 

Ten atoms made a binding on the central atom. The name of central atom is "zero ten". See The Science & Technology of Zero at geocities/numerals/1234.

Note: this is system zero ten and numeral zero ten is a part of system zero ten. These are two zeros, who have physical bodies in numerology. 


What is difference between discovery of Zero ten (Atom) and zero nothing?

The codes of discovery of atom   O  .. Arabic System: Z1

That was the physicist, who discover the Atom. (Script of ancient writing system).


Discovery of Atom

Who discover the Atom? This question is don't have importance. But how discover the Atom? is  most important in the World history. 


When Arab physicist draw the map of attraction force of a magnet cube, the attraction map of magnet cube is spherical shape. This is the proof, that the fundamental particle of matter is spherical shape.

He brooked the mater cube in half, then in half again, continued this process again and again. At last  he reached end up with a particle that couldn't be divided any more. He called this particle an atom.

Like that he discovered the atom. That was in 800 B. C.

His work on attraction of matter was all theoretical. Not possible for humans that they saw an atom.

He discovered the atom Geometrically and originated the new number and numeral systems. Before discovery of atom, all over the World people, used number system. Inventor of atom originated the numeral system. He divided the one number (1 ) in to (10 ) numerals and draw the numeral symbols in the magnetic cube, molecules and magnetic atomic maps.

Before discovery of atom, humans do not have languages and written system like today. They had hundreds of codes or scripts for writing and audio grams. Inventor of atom  give use Number, Numeral and Alphabets systems for writing and reading. He teach use modern science and technology which we used today. But we are very thankless, our thinking are that, "We are biggest Scientist in the World, but do not know scientific numeration, about atom discovery and mathematics of zero  But we are very biggest scientist. We are not scientist, we are technologist.


discovery of zero nothing !?

After discovered the atom, like as human nature mind, he try to broken the Atom. When he brooked the atom, he do not found any some. then he made the mathematics 1 - 1 = 0 "nothingness". I don't know that he discovered the nothingness or not, you know better than me. Can you discover nothingness? This is the history of zero nothing. History of zero nothing start from lever period. See Hash mark mathematics,  I I I I I I I I I -I-  -I-  -I-                   (-I-) Dead Sheep . ( I )Live Sheep.

                12 - 3             I I I I I I I I I     Sheep Counting system. (Hash Mark).     

Theory of a Digit: 0 I 0    Birth   Live    Dead ( In Lever Period Math ). 6,000 B.C

What is the difference between in these two zeros 0   I    0 and what is the name of these zeros in modern mathematics?  See my Site at Geocities/numerals1234:  "The secrets of Zero" and the Science and Technology of Zero.

Symbol of arc, orbital, orbit, part, particle, force etc, in different operations.



Value: ten ones









5- particle

5+ particle

Value: 10

- / +







I1 O5 .0











I O .




Zero !?

1 - 1 = 0

Code of nothing or empty place


in Different


