Western Numerals Magnetic Atomic Orbital Map

System of Numeration


Code of zero represent 

the Atom, 

in modern Scientific 

numeration system.


How originated the Numeral 


Ancient Scientist counted the atoms, orbital, &

angles, in his numeration.



Developing the Western Numeral Symbols



Numeral Symbols


Explanation of Numeral Symbol One

Structure: linear Line vertical stroke, Value One Atom. 45o- angle force or grivity line force. Polar value negative. The symbol of numeral one  ( 1 ) depended on  two portion.. One arc and one vertical line. If numerologist want to show (1 ) on a sphere surface then it's value is 45o degrees negative. Division of arc in 45o  and line do not have division in degrees because it is a geometrical statically line. That static line ( I )only used to prepared the shape of numeral symbols. Angle of numeral one is shown the division of a orbital, in molecule orbital numeral systems. An atom don't have orbital.


Molecule orbital

Value: 1



Explanation of Numeral Symbol Two

Structure: linear molecule, Value Two Atom. Two angles. One right angle force. Polar value negative. The symbol of numeral two  ( 2 ) depended on  two portion.. One orbital and second is a line. Division of orbital in 90o  and line do not have division in degrees because it is a geometrical statically line. That static line only used to prepared the shape of numeral symbol two. Arc of numeral two is shown the division of a orbital. In molecule orbital numeral system, numeral two is shown the two atomic binding system, and arc of numeral two is the shape of a linear molecule orbital. 


Molecule orbital

Value: 2



Explanation of Numeral Symbol Three

Structure: linear molecule, Value three atoms, Polar value negative. Three angles, two orbital and two right angles force. Division in degrees 180o. Polarity: negative numeral, "The symbol of numeral three ( 3 ) has two arc and no geometrical line. Division of two arcs or orbital, in 180o degrees. Classification In molecule orbital numeral system; numeral three is shown the three Atomic binding system. Arcs of numeral three is the shape of two orbital. See in the picture of numeral three the analog symbol like that ( 3 ). Linear molecule orbital  three.

Molecule orbital

Value: 2



Explanation of Numeral Symbol Four:

Structure: digital and analog numeral symbol, Value Four atoms, Polar value negative. Division of numeral symbol four is 270o degrees. Three angles or orbital between four atoms. Power of  attraction force are shown between four atoms.  These three arcs is shown three orbital between four atoms. While all the numerals in numerology are equal importance,  the numeral four is a very special and important numeral been grouped into 270o


Molecule orbital

Value: 4



Explanation of Numeral Symbol Five

Structure: Analog numeral & Digital, "Value: five Atoms" Polar value negative numeral         Division in degrees  ("360o-") Four orbital or arcs. Symbol of numeral four and added the one orbital more  and developed the numeral symbol five. 

(Note) Division of numeral symbol fore is 270o. A arc or a orbital value in 90o degrees. So division of western numeral symbol five is 270o + 90o = 360o degrees. He added the orbital or arc "( " in numeral symbol four"). C + A = D: circle four right angles force. 

a- or a    O    an atom, No orbital: gravity Line

A: 90o     O----O 2 atom, 1 orbital

B: 180o   O----O----O 3 atom, 2 orbital

C: 270o   O----O----O----O 4 atom, 3 orbital

D: 360o   O----O----O----O----O 5 atom, 4 orbital (D: Represent half sphere surface).

(C = 270o) + (A = 90o) = "D" 360o Four orbital, 5 atom. Half sphere and molecule orbital numeral five, See in sites.

Atomic value in number system: A = 1 ( B = 2 ) C = 3 ( D = 4 ) H = 5.

Orbital value in numeral System: a- or a+ = 1 (A = 2 ) B = 3 ( C = 4 ) D = 5

not possible I tell all detail in this small site.           


Molecule orbital



Value: 5



Explanation of Numeral Symbol Six              "Numeral structure"  analog

All numerologist changed the system and polarity from here in his numeral systems.

Sanskrit Numerologist converted the numeral three in his numeral six ----->  

Western numeral system.1+ + 0= 6............................................... 9-----> 6

See Arabic alphabet "Wao " Value of Wao in Arabic number system is Six : I + O = 6 :

See the direction of zero in western numeral nine it's mean  O - I = 9

Arabic Numerologist converted the numeral three in his numeral six  -----> .

V + I = VI (V-360o and I+180o)Roman Numerologist converted 

the Numeral Symbol Four in his Numerals Six,  Like That ...........IV-------> VI+

Persian Numerologist converted the numeral two in his numeral six   ----->  

Molecule orbital

Value: 6

1+ + 0- = 6

180o+ + 360o-






Explanation of Numeral Symbol Seven & Eight

Numeral Symbol Six to numeral Symbol Zero,  all the numeral symbols are polar value is positive. So polar value of numeral seven and numeral eight are positive.  In Atomic Physics the numeral seven and eight are spectrum forces. Polar value of these spectrum forces are 360o negative and positive. Numeral seven is negative spectrum force of energy, while numeral eight is positive attraction force of energy. In magnetic atomic orbital map, these spectrum forces are shown  molecule orbital in permanent magnet cube and magnetic atom.

See in the picture to below


Molecule orbital

Value: 7



Value: 8



Explanation of Numeral Symbol Nine

Power Classification 1260o. Numeral polarity positive, Angles nine". 

The symbol of Nine is very meaningful and tell the scientific theory of numeration. Why scientist start the numeration from zero ten and developed the symbol nine. He told the law of  Power, Energy and Work. If you have power source (digit creator)  expend a digit (energy) and done a work and convert the "zero nothing" in to number one (1).Its head is zero ten and right side is one. 

It mean " 0 - 1 = 9". Zero is primary symbol, he moved " numeral ten" in system zero ten and developed the structure of numeral nine. 


Molecule orbital

Value: 9

1440o - 180o = 1260o


Explanation of  Symbol Zero

Zero is an actor, four acts in numerology.

No: 1 "(Initial zero 0). No: 2 (Terminal zero 0) No: 3  (Numeral zero 0+

No: 4 (System zero 100).

Read the acts of zero in other site at geocities/numerals1234 U R L is bellow.

Not possible I tell all detail in this small site.  


Click on blue Hyper link and see more detail:    Fig: Western Numeral Symbols   

Molecule orbital

Value: 10 particles


-  /  +