In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful

Ten Angles

Ten Atoms

Ten Orbital

   Ten Surfaces

 Ten Shapes

of Crystal

Ten Numeral


Zero Level 


See More Detail

Click On

See More Detail


Arabic Digital 

Numeral Symbols

Zero Ten


0 - 1 = 9


9 - 1 = 8


8 - 1 = 7


7 - 1 = 6


6 - 1 = 5


5 - 1 = 4


4 - 1 = 3


3 - 1 = 2


2 - 1 = 1


1 - 1 = 0



Zero nothing not number, numeral or digit. In Arabic numerology This is singe of  Nothing

A math tool like 

 +  -  x  %  =  /    ETC


Zero is an Actor it has four acts in Arabic numerology

See four acts in

  Difference Show


Arab Physicist counted the angles, atom and

orbital in his numerology. He do not counted the

Sheep in his numeration.



Symbols = 10

In Numeral System

11 Symbols

Add One Symbol for




Numerals have Polarity

but Numbers do not

have polarity

Because Numbers

do not have limit


The Science and

Technology of

Arabic Numeral











Numerical Science

The Science of God

Dedicated to the anonymous humanity lover, Who introduced Science of God to the World.













Democritus, Dalton,  J. J. Thmson,  Neils Bohr, Rutherford. Not inventor  of Atom or ElectronsNew  scientists  do  not  know how discovered the Atom,  But they give the avoidance that they brooked the Atom. Fist of all they tell us how they discovered the Atom. If they are

do not know,  how  can  we  believe  that they brooked   the atom. How Arab Scientist  brooked the Atom and divide it in Ten Particles

and classifieds the every parts degree wise in Arabic Numerology, See in this site " How Arabs Discovered the Atom ".


When Arabs, Discovered  the Atom,  They converted  the old Arabic Number System  in  new  Arabic Atomic Numerals System,  They originated the new Numeral Symbols. All Numeral Symbols have magnitude value and  polar value. Five Numerals, one to five 1--5 have negative Polarity and six to zero 6--0 is positive polarity.  Old Arabic Number System very difficult in writing. For that they converted the

old Number System into new Arabic Numeral System. Number and  Numeral  is  two different types of system. In  number system,  One 

digit is equal to one, In math 1 = 1 but in Numeral system Ten Digit equal to Number One,  In math 0.10 = 1. This is Arabic Numerology System.  Roman number system  like old Arabic number system. One digit is equal one.  Roman number writing system was very difficult. 

Not famous as Arabic Number System.


Before dawn of  Islam, All Western people were used Roman number system,  After dawn of Islam, Many many Muslim Merchants vent 

in West.  They  learned  the  Arabic number system to Western Merchants.  So that,  Arabic Numerals Technology reached in West. But today,  College and University Teachers do not know,  The science and Technology of  number and  numeral  systems and how  the Arab scientist converted the ten numerals in to number one and what is the reason. All that hidden knowledge read in this Website.


Question: How discovered the Atom?                 

Answer: Click on Green Hyperlink & See the basic idea of  "The Discovery of Atom".     


Question:- What is the exact difference between number & numeral system?                                  

Answer: Very big difference between number & numerals system: Click on Difference Show



1: Analog Arabic Atom Structure ( 1,000 B. C )

2: Digital Arabic Atom Structure  1,000 B. C 

3: Wonders of Number System  Arabic 4,000 B. C 

4: Wonders of Numeral System  Classical : 1,000 B. C

5: Numeral Converter in Number System Old Counter 

6: Roman Urdu Since & Technology

7: Roman Urdu Modern Display  Roman, Urdu Inverter 

8: Counting Number Angles, Orbital and Atoms

9: How Six World Masters Originated Numeral Symbols?  

   Arabic, Roman, Sanskrit, Chinese, Persian, & Western

10: Script Writing System "Ancient". 


Discovery of Black Zero (Atom)

How Arab Scientific Atomic Numeral Geometrical Symbols Originated? See Below 

The Science of Arabic Scientific Numeral Geometrical Symbols

Arabic Atomic Model:- Classification & Division


Magnetic Atom

Classification, Division
  and Counting Numeral Angles, Atoms, Orbital & Polarity
Symbolic Meaning & Comparisons. Ancient Science

Particles Values


2 -

3 -



6 +

7 +

8 +

9 +

+    0 +   =    010   Ten symbols











+  360o   = 1440  Atom










+  180o   = 1440 Molecule



Discovery of Atom

The Script of Discovery of Black Zero. (Ancient writing System)

Originated the Arabic Atomic Numeral Symbols like that




Analog Atomic

  Numeral Symbols

 Classification 1440o

  Division Ten Particle

Key Board Arabic Numeral Symbols


Arabic symbols Two 2 and three   3 :-   Not use  two 2 & three  3 in Arabic Numeral Symbols

                                              ;       These are Eastern Two &      There (Persian & Urdu)


Nonmagnetic Atom

Gravitation Lines of Force

Six Surfaces, Eight Energy Level or Eight Angles , Division in 720o- Negative

Difference Between Magnetic Atom & Nonmagnetic Atom

Magnetic Atom

Map of  Magnetic Atom 

 The Zero Ten


Nonmagnetic Atom

Map of  Nonmagnetic Atom

The Zero Seven

   Division:- Ten Particles

  Angles:-Ten Orbital & Ten Angles

  Classification:-  1440o Degree

  Sixteen Right Angles Force


  Negative, Positive -/+

  or No Polar Value


  Magnetic Line Force

  Vertical attraction force 90o

  Horizontal:- 180o & 360o

  Names In Scientific


  and in Technology

  Black & white Zero

  Black Zero, System Zero,

  Zero Ten, Trigger Zero,

  Drifting zero ten

  Magnitude Value, 0.10 or 1.0






Six Surfaces

Ten Particles




  Division:-  Eight particles

  Angles:- eight right angles 

  Classification:- 720o Degree

  Eight Right Angles Force

  Polarity:- Negative,  -


  Gravity Line Force

  Vertical attraction force 90o

  Horizontal:- 360o

  Names In Scientific

  Mathematics and in


  Zero Seven, Numeral Zero Seven

  Numeral Seven

  Magnitude Value, 0.1 or 0.7







Six Surfaces

Eight Particles



Are you understand the discovery of  Atom & Numeral Angles? if no, Contact with me:-


The Science of God

Click on Green Hyper Link and See Practical Notebook Practical Note Book

CD and Hand Notebook (Not for Sale) Free for University Teachers, only in Karachi (Pakistan)

( Language Urdu & English Mix )



See my site very carefully, and use your own brain. Don't  believe on Western Mathematicians &

Think Tanks. They do not know, How discovered the Atom and theory of  number and numeral

system. Because they learnt the mathematics (use of zero) by Arab Merchants, after down of Islam.


Challenge all over the World to Scientist, Mathematicians, Think Tanks &University Teachers

You do not Know answer of these questions, See proofs in Western Scholar's Websites


My Questions on Internet

In Ancient Time, How discover the Atom?

Answers:- Atom Discovery: Click & See  Website in CD or

URL:    Internet Explorer


Democritus, a Greek philosopher, postulated that if you broke something in half, then in half again, and continued to do this ad infinitum,

you'd end up with a particle that couldn't be divided any more. He called this particle an atom.  But he didn't discover the atom, only postulated its existence. That was in 460 B.C.

How the Arabic Numerals originated?

Answers:- Arabic numerals   Click & See  Website in CD or

URL:    Internet Explorer

By M Erhayiem

The IBM World Book Encyclopedia raises the question as how the Arabic Numerals originated (!?) as appeared in an article

contributed by Nadine L. Verderber, Ph.D., Prof. of Mathematics, Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville.

The article states, as such, "Scholars do not know how Arabic numerals originated." 


The Discovery of Black Zero

This is the original ancient Arabic Atomic Physic  1,000 B. C

       + -/+   Science


Structure of Symbol Nine

old Arabic, Sanskrit & Roman Script Writing System

(Science) Read left to right +/- - + = 9 nine  ( mathematics, 100 - 10+ = 9 )  Math Technology

Sanskrit:-( Hindu ) read left to right 0 +1 = 9 one & read right to left, nine   = 1 - 0  Math Technology

 ( Roman ) Read right to left, IX = I - X  ( I = X+) & 10 = X   Math Technology





Numerical science Researcher 
Munawar Butt




Mobile: 0312-2497768 Karachi ( Pakistan )


All rights reserved. No part of this Note Book may  be  reproduced 

  or transmitted   in  any  form  or  by  any   means,   electronic  or   

mechanical,   including    photocopying,    recording   or    by  any

 information  storage  retrieval  system,  without permission   from 

      Munawar Butt. Copyright © 2005 The Science of God     

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Updated:- Wednesday, 29 December 2010

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